Software development focused on the aviation industry
A multi-crew experienced in air traffic control, engineering and passionate, lifelong cloud software development
Software development focused on the aviation industry
A multi-crew experienced in air traffic control, engineering and passionate, lifelong cloud software development
ACR Aviation Capacity Resources AB is one of Naviation’s first customers and today we jointly develop DroneRequest as well as other Web tools (below) to increase efficiency.
More than a decade ago ACR broke the government monopoly in the Swedish ATM market. Today ACR operates the control tower at 17 of the 28 airports on the Swedish market.
The future is looking bright for ACR with expansions into several European markets on the horizon. ACR International has business in the Middle Eastern market since more than a decade.
In an Air Traffic Management environment, tracking safety hazards is mandatory.
We developed a system where preliminary flight hazard analysi across all of the company’s Air Traffic Control units can be shared and re-used.
Risks are graded according to the applicable matrix, and measures taken to reduce the impact of hazard are recorded and followed up on.
Track the invoicing process – from service hours and aircraft movements to staff overtime and billing the customer, all in one smooth flow.
It is critical that all personell within the Air Traffic Control system stay current with their various ratings (Tower, radar, procedural etc.) as well as other endorsements such as Medical and language proficiency.
We developed a logging system that guarantees that all personell going on duty is actually current, as well as provide historical data for each Air Traffic Controller’s time (position/rating/OJTI etc.)
Sinking fund – what is next years projected replacement cost? What service tag and serial number does that device have? When does the warranty expire? To whom is that Notebook assigned?
Various other components developed to assist operational staff as well as management within this heavily regulated yet dynamic aviation sector.